Minutes ixml community group meeting Tuesday 22 February 2022


Summary of action items
NDW to make a proposal for possible error codes
Steven to outline examples in the spec. to differentiate static and dynamic 
Steven - Issue #47 - @root (Outermost effective nonterminal as attribute) - 
to be proposed in the spec as a dynamic error.
Steven - simplify the spec to require the output of 'well-formed' XML. Does 
that have some subcodes in terms of the violation of well-formedness
Steven Issue #33 (s = @a, b, @c) - this needs to be explicit
NDW Issue #45 (Unused non-terminals) - NDW - two test suites - undefined 
and unused
Summary of resolutions
non-XML element names shall be signalled as a dynamic error
multiple attributes of the same name shall be a dynamic error

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2022 16:43:35 UTC