Re: regrets for 19 April

> My regrets; owing to travel I will be unable to attend the call on
> Tuesday 19 April; I will also be unable to send out an agenda for the
> call.

I’ll plan to construct an issues summary as a fallback agenda.

We have an electrician coming “on Tuesday afternoon” at an unspecified
time, so I suppose Bethan and I could suddenly be absent. Apologies, if
that happens.

(We got a new stove, but the new stove trips the circuit breaker. Not
immediately, but after about five minutes. Long enough for the
installers to have packed up our old stove and driven away. :-(
We anticipate having the whole house rewired, but I’ve no idea if that’s
a “we can start next week” thing or a “we can can schedule that in a
couple of months” thing. If it’s the latter, I sure hope the stove can
be rigged up somehow.)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Sunday, 17 April 2022 16:25:52 UTC