Re: On the subject of rewriting

The rewrite you describe makes the ’sep’ element contain
multiple children instead of one.  Since under the current
rules a ’sep’ always contains exactly one factor, the rewrite
seems to produce a simpler tree at the expense of a more
complicated semantics (because now we will need more 
complicated rules for ’sep’, since it has more variation in 
its content).

Whether it’s safe depends, I think, on whether the operational 
semantics your code is assigning to elements cover cases
which do not arise under the spec as now written.

On a purely practical level, in ixml it’s easier to make hiding 
or serializing any nonterminal depend on the context than
to make it depend on the content.


> On 16,Dec2021, at 6:08 AM, Norm Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:
> Hello,
> As I was looking at rewriting to ease implementation, I happened to
> notice that the ixml grammar for ixml contains a few places where an
> “alts” contains a single “alt”.
> Is it safe to simplify that construction? For example, consider:
>   <rule name='alt'>
>      <alt>
>         <repeat0>
>            <nonterminal name='term'/>
>            <sep>
>               <alts>
>                  <alt>
>                     <literal tmark='-' dstring=','/>
>                     <nonterminal name='s'/>
>                  </alt>
>               </alts>
>            </sep>
>         </repeat0>
>      </alt>
>   </rule>
> It feels like that should be the same as:
>   <rule name='alt'>
>      <alt>
>         <repeat0>
>            <nonterminal name='term'/>
>            <sep>
>               <literal tmark='-' dstring=','/>
>               <nonterminal name='s'/>
>            </sep>
>         </repeat0>
>      </alt>
>   </rule>
> But I’ve been unable to prove that to myself in the general case. Is it
> ever wrong to remove an “alts” that contains a single alternative?
>                                        Be seeing you,
>                                          norm
> --
> Norm Tovey-Walsh
> Saxonica

Received on Thursday, 16 December 2021 15:00:54 UTC