Soft Launch of a W3C Invited Expert identity program

Dear W3C Invited Expert,

Further to input from the W3C Advisory Board, we are rolling out a W3C Invited Expert identity program.

The goals are to:
A) Give IEs a sense of group identity.
B) Give a slot at all AC meetings for the Invited Experts to send someone as an observer.

A) Identity program
To help W3C Invited Experts organize as a group of disparate individuals who may want to use a united voice to speak about some topic or other, we have created:

1) A public directory of W3C Invited Experts

That page exposes a combination of W3C database information and information you may enter via your W3C profile:
 * First and Last Name
 * Group(s) in which each IE is invited
 * Photo
 * GitHub icon linking to your Github profile
 * Title
 * Biography

Note: Except the first two items, you may customize and update information in your W3C profile (<>).

Please, take a moment to review and update your profile and check the result in the directory.

2) A public mailing list so you can interact among yourselves. 
cf. <>

Any IE addition/removal is reflected live in the subscribers list. There is no opt-out, unfortunately, but I hope you can successfully rely on local mail filters. 
We do not currently plan to subscribe that list to any other distribution list.

When a participant is granted IE status, our system sends a notification e-mail. We’ll update that text to inform IEs of this program and will point to the new “about” page.
cf. <>

B) Designated observer at W3C Advisory Committee Meetings

W3C Invited Experts may designate one individual amongst themselves (volunteer? elect?) to attend as an observer the W3C Advisory Committee Meetings [1] which take place twice a year. That non-voting individual represents the interests of W3C Invited Experts and is allowed to summarize and bring back information that is not member-confidential.

To that effect, a straw-man proposal is for the designated Invited Expert self-declares to <> who subscribes them to w3c-ac-forum [2], the list for discussion among W3C Advisory Committee Members and the Advisory Board on matters of relevance to W3C. 


Over the next few weeks, I invite you to get back to me about improvements to the web pages (content, layout) and more generally to the identity program itself, in particular the Designated observer at AC meetings aspect.

We have several months until the 7-9 April 2019 Advisory Committee Meeting in Quebec, Canada, to make adjustments and announce the program and particularly the IE observer to the W3C Advisory Committee. 

Thank you!
Coralie Mercier, Head of W3C Marketing & Communications

Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Marketing & Communications - +337 810 795 22

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2019 13:44:38 UTC