Re: User Contexts: identifying assistive technologies

On Jun 4, 2013, at 5:57 PM, Jason White <> wrote:

> James Craig <> wrote:
>> So for this existing WebIDL dictionary…
>> dictionary ScreenReaderSettings {
>>    boolean?   screenReaderActive = null;
>>    DOMString? screenReaderName = null;
>>    DOMString? screenReaderVersion = null;
>> };
>> …an author could do something like this: (Specific syntax TBD)
>> if (window.settings.hasFeature('ScreenReaderSettings')) {
>> 	var isScreenReaderActive = window.settings.valueForKey('screenReaderActive');
>> }
>> I think we'd want to set up a different *feature* altogether for 'MagnifierSettings' to standardize properties like zoom level, zoom window size, center point, etc.
> That's fine, but it still doesn't solve the difficulty that there might
> be multiple screen readers, for example, active on a system at once (for
> instance, one for speech and another for braille output in some situations).
> Mutatis mutandis for magnifiers and other types of AT, of course.

Does it really happen that two would be running simultaneously? What a terrible user experience that must be. I'm definitely aware of users installing multiple screen readers, but surely they must use them one at a time, no? Even if it happens, I think we'd have to allow the User Agent to expose one as the primary interface. I can't see how those rare dual-run scenarios would be useful to a web author, do you?


Received on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 01:32:44 UTC