Re: User Contexts: identifying assistive technologies

James Craig <> wrote:
> So for this existing WebIDL dictionary…
> dictionary ScreenReaderSettings {
>     boolean?   screenReaderActive = null;
>     DOMString? screenReaderName = null;
>     DOMString? screenReaderVersion = null;
> };
> …an author could do something like this: (Specific syntax TBD)
> if (window.settings.hasFeature('ScreenReaderSettings')) {
>  var isScreenReaderActive = window.settings.valueForKey('screenReaderActive');
> }
> I think we'd want to set up a different *feature* altogether for 'MagnifierSettings' to standardize properties like zoom level, zoom window size, center point, etc.

That's fine, but it still doesn't solve the difficulty that there might
be multiple screen readers, for example, active on a system at once (for
instance, one for speech and another for braille output in some situations).
Mutatis mutandis for magnifiers and other types of AT, of course.

Received on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 00:58:24 UTC