Notes from the September 17th AR Face-to-face

Hello, immersive web folks!

As a reminder, there's no WebXR call today since most of the usual
participants were in the all-day meeting yesterday.

Thank you to everyone at the face-to-face yesterday. We made good headway
on essential aspects of the WebXR Device API and set clear direction for
moving forward.

Thank you specifically to Blair MacIntyre for hosting us at the Mozilla
offices and for Nell Waliczek for acting as the MC.

Attached is a PDF of the notes from yesterday's meeting. At the top you'll
find a list of action items that came out of the day. We'll follow up in
next week's call, but please take a look at the list to see if you're named.

- Trevor

p.s. If Google Docs is easier for you, there is a copy of the notes in this
publicly readable GDoc

Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2018 17:38:27 UTC