Re: W3C action/response to the BLM Movement

Léonie asks:

> If we, the ID CG, make a statement, should it focus on Black Lives
> Matter (BLM) and racial equality because that has momentum right now,
> should we include other types of diversity (other forms of racism,
> ablism, sexism etc.) because they're important too, or something else?

Marisa says:

That’s a good question, and I don’t know the answer. I understand that the W3C has a broad global audience. However, I’m afraid that trying to address too many -isms at once blurs the focus. I’d be open to a discussion about racism in the context of the W3C, and then go from there regarding making a statement and recommending action. 


> On Jun 6, 2020, at 05:09, Léonie Watson <> wrote:
> Thank you Marisa. Your ideas are really helpful.
> Although the possibility of the W3C making a statement may not be
> possible, or at least easy, I believe we are free to make a statement as
> the ID CG. I will raise the matter of the W3C making a statement with
> the AB, but a statement from this CG would be a start.
> I have a question for everyone, and if I'm clumsy in the way I ask it,
> please be gentle, like many people I'm figuring this out as I go.
> If we, the ID CG, make a statement, should it focus on Black Lives
> Matter (BLM) and racial equality because that has momentum right now,
> should we include other types of diversity (other forms of racism,
> ablism, sexism etc.) because they're important too, or something else?
> Léonie.
> On 05/06/2020 23:26, Marisa DeMeglio wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> Great discussion. Really happy to see that everyone wants to make
>> positive changes! I am in PDT and would love to participate in a call. 
>> Agree that actions speak loudest. I think making a statement, like Wendy
>> said to preface those actions, is important. I would hope it inspires
>> member orgs (like my own!) to speak up and take action themselves. 
>> If I were writing our statement, it would include:
>> - Stating unequivocally that Black Lives Matter and silence is complicity
>> - Say that we recognize racism as a problem in our domain (tech/the
>> web/standards; pick one or more!)
>> - Commit to changes
>> - Ask our members to commit to change
>> - Include links to resources
>> Imagine if we *and* the member orgs took steps - that would be a good start!
>> I would especially love to see anti-racism work live at a high level
>> within the W3C. There are so many areas it is relevant to, from
>> representation in standards groups to biased algorithms [1], to
>> proliferation of hate on the web, that it seems like an overarching concern.
>> Thanks
>> Marisa
>> 1.
>>> On Jun 5, 2020, at 12:26, Jeff Jaffe <
>>> < <>>> wrote:
>>> All interesting ideas.
>>> I particularly like the idea of providing equipment which can help
>>> people both in the specific TPAC meeting, but can also improve
>>> people's effectiveness beyond.
>>> Jeff
>>> On 6/5/2020 3:21 PM, Reid, Wendy wrote:
>>>> I definitely want to lead with action, but if we don't make a
>>>> statement, no one will know what action we intend to take, and if we
>>>> make a statement with no planned actions, it is a toothless one (bit
>>>> of a catch-22 I admit!).
>>>> I love the idea of reallocating the scholarship fund to supporting
>>>> invited experts. Something along the lines of providing funds to
>>>> people for expenses that would make participation easier for TPAC and
>>>> possibly long-term would be an interesting approach. I think if we
>>>> covered things like short term childcare so people can fully
>>>> participate in TPAC, equipment (do they need a webcam, microphone,
>>>> headset?), offsetting the costs of attending a meeting for several
>>>> days if they're an independent contractor, or other incidentals might
>>>> make an impact.
>>>> I'm going to spend the weekend thinking of other actions, I encourage
>>>> everyone to do so as well!
>>>> -Wendy
>>>> On 2020-06-05, 12:27 PM, "Daniel Appelquist" < <>
>>>> < <>>> wrote:
>>>>     I'm in the UK and I'd like to participate if possible.
>>>>     FWIW I agree with Chaals regarding actions speaking stronger than
>>>> words.  The update to the CEPC is one action that I believe will play
>>>> a positive role.  In addition to that, considering that TPAC is going
>>>> to be virtual, could we repurpose the money that member organisations
>>>> may have been allocating for a TPAC diversity scholarship fund into
>>>> some kind of fund to support "invited experts" engineers from
>>>> marginalised communities in w3c working groups?
>>>>     Dan
>>>>     ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>>>     On Friday, 5 June 2020 15:33, Jeff Jaffe < <>
>>>> < <>>> wrote:
>>>>     > I am in Eastern as well.
>>>>     >
>>>>     > On 6/5/2020 9:49 AM, Reid, Wendy wrote:
>>>>     >
>>>>     > > I'm in the eastern time zone as well!
>>>>     > > On 2020-06-05, 9:34 AM, "Siegman, Tzviya" <>
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      Thanks for starting the discussion, Wendy.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      I am in US Eastern time.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      Tzviya Siegman
>>>>     > >      Information Standards Lead
>>>>     > >      Wiley
>>>>     > >      201-748-6884
>>>>     > > <> < <>>
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      -----Original Message-----
>>>>     > >      From: Léonie Watson < <>
>>>> < <>>>
>>>>     > >      Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 3:20 AM
>>>>     > >      To: Reid, Wendy < <>
>>>> < <>>>; <>
>>>> < <>>
>>>>     > >      Subject: Re: W3C action/response to the BLM Movement
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      ⛔       This is an external email.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      Thank you for raising this Wendy.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      I agree that we should take this opportunity to build on
>>>> the progress we've made by establishing this CG and the diversity
>>>> fund, and what the PWE CG has done with the Code of Ethics and
>>>> Professional Conduct (CEPC), because there is so much more we could do.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      A call would be a good place to share ideas and
>>>> suggestions, and of course this thread too.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      Scheduling calls is often an interesting challenge when
>>>> the participants come from many different places. As a first step
>>>> could I ask anyone who would be interested in attending a call to let
>>>> me know which time zone you are in? Email me at
>>>> <> < <>> if you do
>>>> not want to share that information on this thread.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      If you could do that by the end of your day on Tuesday 9
>>>> June), I will then try to find some meeting times that could work and
>>>> put together a Doodle poll so we can decide.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      The W3C has changed to using Zoom for conference calls.
>>>> If anyone has access or other needs that means we need to adapt the
>>>> way we use Zoom, or even find another platform if we need to, please
>>>> let me know - and again, you are welcome to email me directly.
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      Léonie.
>>>>     > >      On 05/06/2020 00:03, Reid, Wendy wrote:
>>>>     > >      > Dear Colleagues,
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > I hope everyone has been keeping well and safe during
>>>> these times. I
>>>>     > >      > wanted to reach out to this group as I believe we need
>>>> to do something
>>>>     > >      > to address the W3C’s lack of diversity and inclusion
>>>> in 2020, a time
>>>>     > >      > where we see protests for the rights of black people
>>>> take over not
>>>>     > >      > just the United States and Canada, but many other
>>>> places as well.
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > The web is a platform for many great things, including
>>>> the organizing
>>>>     > >      > for many of these protests and movements, but it is
>>>> also where world
>>>>     > >      > leaders make threats and groups gather to profess
>>>> hate. As an
>>>>     > >      > organization we’ve built specifications around the
>>>> ideas of
>>>>     > >      > inclusivity, security, and privacy, but the faces in
>>>> the rooms where
>>>>     > >      > these discussions are held still do not reflect the
>>>> makeup of the
>>>>     > >      > world around us. Tech, and by extension the W3C, is
>>>> notoriously male and white.
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > I notice that W3C has not yet made a public statement
>>>> about their
>>>>     > >      > support for the Black Lives Matter movement, and I
>>>> wanted to come here
>>>>     > >      > because if/when that happens, the logical request will
>>>> be for what
>>>>     > >      > actions is W3C intending to make to address our lack
>>>> of diversity.
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > So I raise the question here first, because I think
>>>> everyone here is
>>>>     > >      > of the mind that we should do something. I do think
>>>> this should be a
>>>>     > >      > sentiment and action that comes from W3M, the AB, AC,
>>>> and the members
>>>>     > >      > as a whole, but I hope we can come up with a starting
>>>> point for
>>>>     > >      > everyone to build off of.
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > What should W3C do about the lack of diversity in our
>>>> working groups
>>>>     > >      > and F2F meetings?
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > How can we as an organization support community
>>>> members who are
>>>>     > >      > limited in participation by factors like economics,
>>>> family situation, geography?
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > What actions should we take to recruit more members
>>>> from diverse
>>>>     > >      > backgrounds and retain them once they are here?
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > I propose we have a call soon to discuss these
>>>> matters, but I will
>>>>     > >      > leave that judgement to the chairs. Thank you for your
>>>> consideration.
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      >
>>>>     > >      > Sincerely,
>>>>     > >      > Wendy Reid
>>>>     > >      > Get Outlook for iOS <>
>>>>     > >
>>>>     > >      --
>>>>     > >      Director @TetraLogical
>>>>     > >
> -- 
> Director @TetraLogical

Received on Monday, 8 June 2020 16:54:59 UTC