from March 2004 by subject

4.2 intro and 4.4.1

6.3 - Natural Language Search

Emailing: FtfMike2004-03-30.xml

Intermediary services replace 5.2.1, .2, .3

New text for Section 3.3

New text for Section 4.1.4

REMINDER: WSTF teleconference is TOMORROW

section 3.1

SOAP headers scenario

Updated the FTF website...

USD Section 6.7 Regimes

USD Section 6.9 Transports

USD sections 6.4.4 and 6.6.1

WSCG meets I18N WG

WSTF conference NOW!!!!

WSTF meeting today: cancelled?

WSTF teleconference notes...

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 March 2004 12:44:52 UTC