4.2 intro and 4.4.1

Here is my attempt to fill 4.2 intro section and 4.4.1 Pandora's box.


4.2 Locale/Language Dependency in Message Exchange Patterns 

When exchanging a message, the requester and service that the requester
accesses may have different default locales and language preferences. In
addition, there may be more than one service involved in the message
exchange.  And there may be different requester, who consumes the
message, who may expect different locale and language.

Message exchange in components with different language and/or locales
may result a failure or unexpected result.  This section describes
various message exchange patterns that need consideration or that have
potential failure scenarios.

4.4.1 Using non-internationalized Data Structures

A data structure may be provided without international considerations.
This may happen, for instance, when a service was originally designed
and targeted for a specific local market and later adopted to a global
Web service. 

This is an example of my daily activity provided in Japanese 12 hour
time scheme.

Example: My schedule

Time       : To do
---------- : -----------------------
GOZEN 8:00 : Breakfast
GOGO  0:00 : Lunch
GOGO  7:00 : Dinner
GOZEN 0:00 : Go to bed

GOZEN means "before noon", and generally corresponds to AM. GOGO means
"after noon", and generally corresponds to PM. The problem is GOGO 0:00
is noon rather than 0:00 AM, and GOZEN 0:00 is midnight rather than 0:00
PM.  This is confusing and conversion to internationally known time
format may fail.

Thank you

Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2004 15:29:50 UTC