WSTF Teleconference Meeting Notes...

W3C-I18N-WG Web Services TF teleconference [WSTF]
Tuesday, 17 December 2002


 Agenda for 17 December meeting
            o Discuss Agenda.
-Note: next meeting moved to 7 January. Addison to change the bridge. Meeting on the 31st is canceled.

            o Discuss Action Items.
            o Discuss next FTF meeting. Tentatively at IUC23 in Prague.

-Gave up our slot at the Technical Plenary to GEO and Core. Martin to represent the TF at the plenary mtg.
-Investigating holding the next FTF in Prague before/after the IUC. Probably before.
-Able to attend in Prague: Addison, Martin, Tex, Mike?; Unable to attend: Kentaroh, Takao.
-Cathy Wissink may attend for Takao. Possibly Mark Davis for Kentaroh. Each will update us on any substitutes.
-Other possible meeting dates: mid-January (Scottsdale, AZ, USA) is where we might catch WS WGs. Since no one can
 attend at that time, that meeting won't work.
-General note: we need to schedule out our activities so that members can figure out the scope of traveling necessary.
-Need to figure out location and logistics. Possibilities include cooperation of IUC (Martin/Addison to discuss with
 Richard). Russ Rolfe may host the GEO at Microsoft in Prague. Takao to discuss logistics of that with him.

            o Discussion adoption of Usage Scenarios Working Draft and Call for Participation.

-WSTF to issue the Working Draft (today). Martin will send request, get Tim's approval, etc.
-Kentaroh will (has already) fixed HTML so that it validates.
-Addison to send email containing status information and call for participation. Martin to incorp.
-Other comments: 
   _  Martin unhappy with: gDATE variables. Expunging for now. Will add notes there later.
   _  Document approved by group. Only changes: add to status section. Fix gTypes, validation.
   _  Added Tex to list of editors.

            o Decide response to XMLP about Issue 263 (language negotiation in SOAP 1.2)

-SOAP has a short CR period. Will resubmit/remind them about 270 (Appendix B text).
-Discussion of 263. We can't catch SOAP 1.2. Need to have "leg to stand on" by proposing some design ourselves.
-Decided that main activity at next meeting will be to review existing use cases and triage into activities. We felt that there might be several activities to pursue or that this issue may require broader/narrower scope based on discussion.
-Addison to send checklist of use cases and proposed categories from USWD before next meeting.
-No group response except for resubmit (confirm submit for CR).
-Addison and Martin to send individual responses to Henrik's message.

 Pending Action Items
     * Organize calendar of activities [Addison]... Addison to post
     * Post XML version of Usage Scenarios Working Draft ("USWD") [Kentaroh]... complete
     * Call for Use Cases based on draft of USWD [Addison]... pending
     * Post responses to XMLP [Addison]... complete
     * Post intro text for USWD [Addison]... complete
     * Check on list to use for USWD comments [Martin]... complete
     * Review and approve Working Draft for public review [group]... completed at mtg.
     * Add Mike McKenna to TF [Martin]... complete

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2002 12:52:38 UTC