Call for Participation/Scope section


Between --- lines you will find the text proposed. Any comments must occur in the next few minutes (sorry).

The W3C Internationalization Working Group, Web Services Task Force [WSTF] is pleased to announce the publication of the Web Services Usage Scenarios Working Draft. This document contains a series of different internationalization issues or demonstrations using existing Web service standards and technology. The goal of this document is to gather as many different useful descriptions together as quickly as possible. This will help WSTF to:

  o create "best practices" and tutorial information for Web service implementers and technologies
  o propose standards for Web services and related technologies to support international operation
  o demonstrate issues in existing Web services technologies and standards to the groups responsible for their development and maintenance.

The current version of this document is located here:
For more information on WSTF, visit our home page, located here:

The WSTF welcomes public participation and public submission of usage scenarios. Anyone may submit a usage scenario to WSTF for consideration towards inclusion into this document by sending the scenario via email to

Each scenario or group of scenarios must follow the format of the scenarios in our working draft in order to receive our full consideration. The title of the submission should be "WSTF submission:<title>" where "<title>" is the name of your scenario or scenarios. Please note that this is a public forum and task force and you should refrain from sending or submitting proprietary material or information. 

Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods, Inc.

+1 408.962.5487 (phone)  +1 408.210.3569 (mobile)
Internationalization is an architecture.
It is not a feature. 

Chair, W3C-I18N-WG Web Services Task Force
To participate see 

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2002 13:07:22 UTC