Re: Polish translation

hi Małgorzata

all is now live at

On 09/06/2016 11:10, Pro Strona wrote:
> Hi there again,
> Sorry for the delay. I had enough and I had to move my website to
> another server.
> I hope that now my mail will work correctly.
> I'm sending he last message again:
> /I'm attaching the translated boilerplate text file./
> /When it comes to the phrase "See live demo" it could be translated as
> "Zobacz funkcjonujące demo"./
> /Also in the example temporary location the second example shows some
> html. Did I mess something up?/

not at all. It's there in the english version too.

thanks for providing this translation!


Received on Thursday, 9 June 2016 19:39:23 UTC