Re: Polish translation

Hi there again,
Sorry for the delay. I had enough and I had to move my website to another server.
I hope that now my mail will work correctly.
I'm sending he last message again:
I'm attaching the translated boilerplate text file.
When it comes to the phrase "See live demo" it could be translated as "Zobacz funkcjonujące demo".
Also in the example temporary location the second example shows some html. Did I mess something up?

Please confirm if you receive this message. (fingers crossed)
Małgorzata Kaduszkiewicz
Pro Strona
575 444 599

> Wiadomość napisana przez w dniu 06.06.2016, o godz. 21:07:
> On 06/06/2016 19:38, Pro Strona wro
>> Is everything OK with the files I sent you?
> hi Małgorzata,  i don't seem to have received any files from you recently.  I checked my spam folder and the public-i18n-translation archive too, but nothing there.
> Could you resend?
> cheers,
> ri

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2016 10:11:47 UTC