RE: Defense of NP before UTC

Hi Debbie,
Sorry, I had forgotten to answer your note.
The grey denotes a change from the last published DS01. I have added this to the legend.
You can look at yellow as unresolved differences between the NP and the Chinese Standard - only two.
You can look at the violet as suggested additions which we are hoping will be added in the new 2016 Chinese Standard.
The grey items are two-fold - either a regression back to how the Chinese Standard lists the specification OR an agreed-upon isolate which came out of our Hohot Discussions in November.
I am working on the separate document as you suggest.

Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 9:53 AM
Subject: RE: Defense of NP before UTC

Q: What does the grey highlighting indicate in DS01?

The UTC will need a proposal document that clearly shows the changes you want to make to the current standard, as these will need to be approved by the UTC.  I would suggest you create a separate document with these requests, with the rationale.  In the document to the UTC, you can refer to DS01 as background. 
Changes for the UTC would include:
*any change in property (i.e., changing U+1885 and U+1886 to a combining character [having a dotted circle], if that is what you intend) *any new characters (FVS4), etc.
*a change of representative glyph in the code chart (especially if it is a marked change), but not needed for the contextual forms (which Michel now shows in the CD draft repertoire)
* Additions/corrections to StandardizedVariants.txt will be needed, too ( )


Received on Thursday, 31 December 2015 04:08:17 UTC