Re: Mongolian Variation Sequences Missing from Unicode 8.00 Code Chart

On 03/08/2015 06:51, Michel Suignard wrote:
> The standardizedvariants document is being deprecated by the UTC in favor of the code charts that now contain the same information with improved glyphs. Please use the Mongolian 8.0 code charts as current reference. I had been working on the past with Greg to improve the status of the descriptions of these variants. Another improvement of these code charts is to soon show all contextual forms (isolated, initial, medial, and final) to facilitate the reading of the varaiants which are themselves contextual.
> I should be able to provide soon a full example of the variants and all contextual forms.

just a reminder, fwiw, that the NP column at
represents the data in the DS01 document, which i believe is very close 
to, if not the same as, the information that Michel has.


Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2015 16:11:12 UTC