(invalid string)

I think it is much simpler regarding which dimension is the “size” of the text. It has to be perpendicular to the line direction because “size” is directly related to line height, line location and line leading. Without “size” dictating line height you cannot easily back into the line gap which in either direction and either script is material to the design. The fact that glyphs in vertical are oriented in two different directions makes this unintuitive, but the size to line height relationship stands.

From: Kobayashi Toshi <binn@k.email.ne.jp>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 1:34:16 AM
To: Taro Yamamoto <tyamamot@adobe.com>; 木田泰夫 <kida@mac.com>
Cc: JLReq TF 日本語 <public-i18n-japanese@w3.org>
Subject: RE: 全角幅送りの議論

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Taro Yamamoto 様

 小林 敏 です.




  Kobayashi Toshi wrote

> - 文字の外枠について,行送り方向(縦組でいえば左右サイズ,横組でいえば天地サイズ)が文字サイズという言い方をしています.これは,単純にラテン文字組版に従ったもので,和字については,なんら合理性はありません.

  Taro Yamamoto さんwrote


Received on Saturday, 14 October 2023 15:03:26 UTC