Re: jlreq-d: proposed TOC

> 2022/12/10 21:10、r12a <>のメール:
> [resending because my mail client clipped some of the text]
> hi Kida-san,
> Great to hear that we're thinking along similar lines. See inline comments below...
> 木田泰夫 wrote on 09/12/2022 01:16:
>> wow…
>> Hello Richard, I am so impressed with your work. It is just wow. Here is my initial random thoughts:
>> • I felt there’s a lot that jlreq-d can borrow from your work. Actually at a moment I thought two documents can be combined but probably it would dilute or spoil the focus of each *¹. Anyhow at least it would be wonderful if we can borrow from your work, or better yet, if we can welcome you as one of the author of jlreq-d.
> I'd probably want to keep my own document separate (so i can edit it at will), but i'm certainly happy for you to take ideas and text from it for jlreq-d.  In fact, i'm in the process this week and next of copying chunks of text from my Thai and Tamil documents to create sealreq and ilreq layout requirements docs.  So there is a precedent.  I would also be happy to contribute to jlreq-d as far as time will allow (and for bits that are in English).

thank you!!  As I am busy until March, we’ll start the development after the coming spring. First I would like to finish building the TOC.

>> *¹ e.g. If an engineer’s purpose is to develop rather than to learn, which is one of the focus of jlreq-d, probably a practical approach, e.g jumping into ‘how’ early, would serve well. etc.
>> • Your document is more dynamic than jlreq is. It is nice and would be something we can follow. For example, it can illustrate spacing and justification much better than static images. Doing it without depending on browser’s text capability is a bit of challenge. Probably jlreq-d needs a web designer / engineer.
> I was a bit embarrassed when you mentioned interactive features of the document because the japanese orthography description page uses an old template and many of the interactive features were broken.  So i spent yesterday updating it.  I also replaced many images with SVG.

The images look very good :)

>> • I very much agree with you point of describing features by ‘semantic' value. Actually we are thinking similar. The ‘機能的観点での日本語組版機能の整理’ in the TOC is one of it.
>> • Your document explains text output, but how about text input?
> Ah, yes.  There can be a few more headings at the end of the page that i forgot to mention.  Sorry. (I don't have much data for them, so they are missing from most of my pages.)  Here's a fuller set of subsections for the Page & Book Layout section:
> General page layout & progression
> Grids & tables
> Notes, footnotes, etc
> Page numbering, running headers, etc
> Forms & user interaction
> You'll notice that there's a section for user interaction there. I do have some things to add there, but haven't had the time yet to do so.  Btw, the Mongolian MLReq doc does have such a section already (albeit a little brief). See

I agree, we are also thinking to include user interactions in jlreq-d. For example we would like to discuss what should happen when you select/copy a range of text with ruby.


- kida

>> • I will try revising the TOC considering your input.
> cheers,
> ri

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