Re: 次回ミーティングは来週火曜日20日10時から

> I am working on a draft of the Font section and am thinking of submitting a git issue with the text for review by the group soon

wow. thank you. things you mentioned are exactly what I wanted to cover in the jlreq-d.
I am very much looking forward to the draft ^_^/

- kida

> 2022/09/19 3:19、Nat McCully <>のメール:
> I will be traveling to Adobe HQ that day and so may miss the meeting. 
> I am working on a draft of the Font section and am thinking of submitting a git issue with the text for review by the group soon. I hope it will help explain font metrics, layout software support for Latin layout and CJK layout, my thoughts on how to deal with various incompatibilities in using the Roman baseline versus the ideographic embox, SJIS and Unicode, etc. 
> It seems info on BASE table and its usage would be timely given other threads I am seeing. 
> —Nat
> From: Yasuo Kida <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 4:54 AM
> To: JLReq TF 日本語 <>
> Subject: 次回ミーティングは来週火曜日20日10時から
> EXTERNAL: Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.
> JLReq TF メンバーの皆さま、
> 次回ミーティングは来週火曜日20日10時からです。
> 議題候補は:
> ・グループルビの折り返し提案 version 2
> ・原稿の分割方法はどうなったんでしたっけ? > 下農さん
> ・10/24 に JEPA のセミナーで jlreq-d の紹介をすることになりました
> ・WCAG 2.2が行頭寄せを推薦する理由について > 村山さんご存知?
> 他にあれば提案してください。前回の meeting notes はここ <>。
> 木田

Received on Sunday, 18 September 2022 23:04:59 UTC