Simple-ruby repository created

I worked with Florian on clearing down the issues for the simple-ruby 
doc today, and then created a new repo at

I moved the document there, and all the issues, and set up issue 
notifications to go to public-i18n-japanese.

Any new issues with the document should of course be raised in the new 
repository now.

Next steps will be for the i18n WG to send out a notice requesting wide 
review, fix anything arising from that, and then publish as a WG Note.

I also removed the accessibility section, and will shortly change the 
document currently in the jlreq repo so that it contains only that 
section, plus a pointer to the new location.  As we accumulate more 
accessibility related information, we can create a new repo for a Ruby 
Accessibility doc and move the content there.

I can't think of anything i've forgotten, but there's probably 
something. Let me know if you discover it.

thanks, Florian for your help, and of course Kobayashi-sensei for 
creating the original document.


Received on Friday, 3 April 2020 16:06:43 UTC