Re: Problem with its:version on its:rules

Hello Jirka,

Is your only request (in terms of syntax) that the namespace prefix
be removed from its:version? I.e. would the following be okay with

  <its:rules xmlns:its=""
   version="1.0" its:translate="no">
   <its:locNoteRule locNoteType="alert" selector="//msg[@id='DisableInfo']">
    <its:locNote>The variable {0} has three possible values: 'printer',
    'stacker' and 'stapler options'.</its:locNote>
  <msg id="DisableInfo">The {0} has been disabled.</msg>

[see below for more]

At 20:05 07/01/28, Jirka Kosek wrote:
>while I was doing more testing on NVDL schema I found one problem with
>the current design of ITS. The problem is illustrated in
> <head>
>  <its:rules xmlns:its=""
>   its:version="1.0" its:translate="no">
>   <its:locNoteRule locNoteType="alert" selector="//msg[@id='DisableInfo']">
>    <its:locNote>The variable {0} has three possible values: 'printer',
>    'stacker' and 'stapler options'.</its:locNote>
>   </its:locNoteRule>
>  </its:rules>
> </head>
> <body>
>  <msg id="DisableInfo">The {0} has been disabled.</msg>
> </body>
>As you can see there is its:translate="no" on its:rules to specify that
>content of this element should not be translated. At the same time
>version of ITS is specified by namespaced its:version attribute.
>This situation creates big problem for NVDL validation. In order to
>attach required its:version attribute to its:rules element for
>validation it is necessary to attach all attributes from ITS namespace
>to its:rules element.

If this is so in general, it seems to be a serious limitation of NVDL.
It would make it impossible to have two or more attributes in a namespace
that are not always used together. It seems it would also create problems
for somebody who wants to allow its:translate attributes on some elements
of their DTD, and some other its attributes on some other elements, but
not its:translate for those elements.

>This will attach also its:translate attribute
>which is of course not allowed on its:rules by ITS schema.

I don't understand this. If it also attaches the its:translate
attribute, isn't that just what we want?

Regards,    Martin.

>The best solution of this problem is to use unnamespaced version
>attribute on its:rules. I already suggested this
>but my proposal was rejected.
>I'm asking for reevaluating of this decision because it goes against
>common design practice used by another W3C specs (e.g. XSLT) and it
>makes impossible to create general schema for validating arbitrary
>document with embedded ITS markup. I would be glad if this issue should
>go to the next meeting agenda.
>                               Jirka
>  Jirka Kosek     e-mail:
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#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 00:41:13 UTC