
Hi all,

I have an action item to list the changes needed in the WD to add term="yes|no"

Here they are:

A) Add term="yes" in <its:termRule> in the examples 12, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 27.

B) In section 6.4.2: "is realized with a termRule element with a mandatory selector attribute."

Would become:

"is realized with a termRule element with a mandatory selector attribute and a mandatory term attribute with a value 'yes' or 'no'."

(or whatever more consistent formulation matches the one Christian has come up with during the last edit of the data cat

C) In section 6.4.3: The addition of term="yes|no" in the termRule's attributes list ODD definition.

I think that is all.

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2006 21:55:37 UTC