Re: [Bug 3062] Need to write examples in the spec as valid XML

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> Felix Sasaki wrote:
>> How about a survey in the group - hands up:
>> 1 Who would use the schemas "as is"?
>> 2 Who would create his own ITS schema and use it every time he
>> integrates ITS into a new or existing schema?
>> 3 Who would create a new ITS schema each time he combines ITS with a new
>> or existing schema?
> 4) who would ignore validation and just put the markup in anyway?
> 5) who would take the schema fragments, hack by them by
>  hand into my own schema, changing as needed, and ignore the
>  notes on conformance?
> I'n either 1) and 4), I wouldn't consider 2) or 3) at all.
> Most people I see in the TEI world would do 5).

5) sounds like a variation of 2) to me, except the "ignore the notes on
conformance" part.

Of course we could drop the conformance part. The question is only: Do
we want to give people who create ITS+mySchema a means to check if they
have don the right job? If "yes", we need a separate schema conformance

My impression was that such a check would be helpful. Maybe it is not?

Received on Friday, 31 March 2006 13:18:45 UTC