Re: DITA default rules

Hi Yves,

I have not looked at the files yet, but I was wondering: While you
created the rules, did you have a look at the DITA inheritance
mechanism, see bug ?
How is it captured by ITS rules?



Yves Savourel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've tried to make a default ITS rules file for DITA based on the information I have so far.
> I'm still struggling with how to handle the 'translate' attribute. I've asked Don and Gershon some clarifications about how DITA
> users are expecting it to be handled.
> Anyway, if you want to try out some DITA files, the rules are attached.
> Cheers,
> -yves
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!-- Possible default ITS rules for DITA -->
> <its:rules xmlns:its="">
>  <!-- Translatable attribute (some are deprecated) -->
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//image/@alt" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//lq/@reftitle" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//note/@othertype" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//object/@standby" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//othermeta/@content" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//state/@value" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//map/@title" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//topicref/@navref" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//topicgroup/@navtitle" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//topichead/@navtitle" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <!-- Translatability flags -->
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//*[@translate='no']" its:translate="no"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//*[@translate='no']/descendant-or-self::*/@*" its:translate="no"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//*[@translate='yes']" its:translate="yes"/>
>  <!-- Non-translatable elements -->
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//draft-comment//*" its:translate="no"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//draft-comment/descendant-or-self::*/@*" its:translate="no"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//required-cleanup//*" its:translate="no"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//required-cleanup/descendant-or-self::*/@*" its:translate="no"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//coords" its:translate="no"/>
>  <its:translateRule its:selector="//shape" its:translate="no"/>
>  <!-- Directionality flags (soon to be added)
>  <its:dirRule its:selector="//*[dir='ltr']" its:dir="ltr"/>
>  <its:dirRule its:selector="//*[dir='rtl']" its:dir="rtl"/>
>  <its:dirRule its:selector="//*[dir='lro']" its:dir="lro"/>
>  <its:dirRule its:selector="//*[dir='rlo']" its:dir="rlo"/>
>  -->
>  <!-- Elements within text -->
>  <its:withinText its:withinText="yes"
>   its:selector="//boolean | //cite | //itemgroup | //keyword | //ph | //q | //state | //term |
>    //tm | //xref | //b | //i | //sub | //sup | //tt | //u | //apiname | //codeph | //delim |
>    //fragref | //kwd | //oper | //option | //parmname | //repsep | //sep | //synnoteref |
>    //synph | //var | //cmdname | //filepath | //msgnum | //msgph | //systemoutput |
>    //userinput | //varname | //menucascade | //shortcut | //uicontrol | //wintitle |
>    //coords | //shape" />
>  <!-- Terminology -->
>  <its:termRule its:selector="//term | //dt"/>
> </its:rules>

Received on Friday, 31 March 2006 04:12:40 UTC