Re: Comments on the specification document

Hi Yves, all,

Thanks a lot for the comments! I don't have time to look at them now, but  
I will tackle them on the weekend and Monday (waiting for other comments)


On Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:52:51 +0900, Yves Savourel <> wrote:

> Hi Christian, Felix,
> Here are a few more comments on the specification:
> ---1: Section 4.2.1, first note
> "Note: This definition of translatability is identical to the definition  
> in [Dita 1.0] <> . The implementation of this data category
> is different from [Dita 1.0] <>  since the former allows to specify the  
> selected information in an XML document or schema."
> I wonder if it's necessary to have a DITA-specific note here. Why treat  
> it as a specific case other XML formats may have also a
> 'translate'. Maybe this could be generalized or removed. And the  
> DITA-specifics could be moved to the DITA modularization section.
> ---2: Section 4.4.2, instance document case
> The selection for this case is said to be "The selection is the textual  
> content of the element, without elements / attributes."
> But in the summary table of section 4.1, the "default selection in  
> instance document" column says: "Textual content of element,
> including content of child elements, but excluding attributes".
> The child elements are excluded or included?
> If "The selection is the textual content of the element, without  
> elements / attributes." is the right answer, then I would replace
> "...without elements / attributes." by "...without elements or  
> attributes." (or rather than a slash).
> Actually, I'm not sure which one is the right one. I'm guessing the  
> child elements should be included: you could have thing like:
> ... <term><b>V</b>ery <b>I</b>mportant <b>P</b>erson</term>...
> ---3: Section 5.5.2, below example 38
> "... don't define a namespace" should be " not define a namespace"
> ---4: Section 6
> It looks funny to have the bolded items so close to the content of the  
> items above. Any way to make it look like for "att.datacats"?
> (I guess in that case the extra para make the spacing behave differently)
> That's all for now.
> -yves

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2006 03:31:08 UTC