Re: Term identification

Hi François,

I have found the following definitions based on work by Sue Ellen Wright 
of Kent State University. Sue Ellen is an acknowledged expert in the 
field of Terminology:

Terminologies (sometimes called special languages or technolects) 
comprise the vocabulary used by subject experts in every area of 
specialized endeavor, from law to engineering to cooking to training a 
dog. The terms used in special languages provide the building blocks 
from which original technical texts and translations are crafted. 
Technical terminology is critical, not only for translators and 
technical writers as document producers, but also for teachers of 
special languages, who must be able to assist their students in 
acquiring the special language knowledge they need to function in a wide 
variety of specialized fields.

• A terminology is concept-oriented.  A terminology is documented in a 
glossary, not a dictionary. A terminology glossary is organized by 
concept, not by linguistic label.

• As such, a term is the word or lexical string used to designate a 
single concept in the language of a special subject field.

• A glossary documents the multiple words or lexical strings (in a 
single language or in multiple languages) that designate a single concept.

• Because of the concept-orientation the organization of a terminology 
system / glossary reflects the knowledge organization of the domain it 

Best Regards,


Richard, Francois wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[] On Behalf Of Yves Savourel
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 2:26 PM
>>Subject: Term identification
>>Thanks Tim for all the comments.
>>I'll start a few thread from your notes:
>>>From Tim's comments on Requirements for localisable DTD design:
>>>2.18 Term identification
>>>Yep, this is good : who decides what a Term is though ? This sounds 
>>>like a bit of repetition though - wasn't
>>I would see this mechanism used different ways:
>>- By authors, through their authoring tool interface, to 
>>select terms they know should be treated as such. - By 
>>terminology tools that do term extraction or translation tools 
>>that use a list of known terms.
> We could classified "term" under different categories to define what a term is, what it is used for and the implications on the l10n process. For instance, it could be a term from a maintained glossary (implying an available translation), it could be a "cie approved" term requiring careful l10n and review, it could be a UI related term... 2.14 section could go under this too.
> /Francois
>>One note: LISA, who is maintaining TBX (TermBase eXchange 
>>format), is working on TBK-Link, a light-weight tag set that 
>>helps linking terms in the document to a TBX store. I think 
>>TBX-Link will be available for review soon. Andrzej is 
>>actually one of the editors.


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