RE: Minutes 2005-04-21: ITS teleconference

Thanks for the correction Tim.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Foster [mailto:Tim.Foster@Sun.COM] 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:26 AM
To: Yves Savourel
Subject: Re: Minutes 2005-04-21: ITS teleconference

Yep, that's cool, thanks for the minutes Yves! - minor typo, probably related to line noise : Solbook is our internal subset (or is
it a superset, I can't remember) of Docbook. I'll see if I can chat to Norm about the use of entities in Docbook and if he's thought
of the i18n implications we were chatting about. I'll also see if he has anything to say about CDATA sections...


On Thu, 2005-04-21 at 18:22, Yves Savourel wrote:
> Minutes 2005-04-21: ITS teleconference
> - RI: Richard Ishida (W3C)
> - TF: Tim Foster (Sun)
> - CL: Christian Lieske (SAP)
> - AZ: Andrzej Zydron (Invited Expert)
> - YS: Yves Savourel (ENLASO)
> - MI: Masaki Itagaki (Invited Expert)
> - FS: Felix Sasaki (W3C)
> - NT: Najib Tounsi (EMI)
> ml
> - RI to look for contact person with Atom.
> Not done yet --> action item for next time.
> - YS to contact Don Day (DITA chair) to see if anyone in their group 
> could work with ITS.
> An email has been sent to Don. No answer yet.
> YS to follow up.
> - YS to start a glossary page.
> YS has started the page, but not posted it yet --> action item for 
> next time.
> - YS to post a process page to summarize the wiki steps (adapted from 
> the GEO process).
> YS has started the page, but not posted it yet --> action item for 
> next time.
> - YS to work on the front matter parts (integrate the ideas put down 
> at the face-to-face meeting for definitions, etc).
> Done. See the several items in the "Introduction" section of the Work 
> Items, on the ITS main page
> (
> - We discussed "Usage Scenario: Technical Writer Using an Authoring 
> Tool"
> (
> YS said he was agreeing with CL comments about the title.
> AZ noted that maybe the section could discuss more of the text re-use 
> aspect, which is more and more utilized. CL wondered if maybe that 
> would be more something for the Entity handling requirement.
> TF also wondered if maybe the text was to broad, taking on more than 
> ITS scope.
> Wiki comments have been added.
> RI mentioned that maybe we could have something related to non-Latin 
> languages illustrating the ned for ITS: bidi markers for Arabic and 
> Hebrew, Ruby text for Japanese, for example. YS concurred and said he 
> would add something to that effect.
> - We discussed "Usage Case: Running Server Software in Multilingual 
> Environment"
> (
> The consensus was that the section was probably not specific enough 
> and could use more specific examples.
> RI also mentioned that some of the aspects approached by the text were 
> more linked to Web Services internationalization than ITS. ITS being 
> text specific not concern with machine to machine messaging, something 
> more in the realm of the Core WG and its "Requirements for the 
> Internationalization of Web Services"
> (
> CL noted that having example of ITS used in Web-service-related XML 
> format would help the reader to make the connection. YS said he would 
> try to come up with examples.
> - We discussed "Requirements related to Entities"
> (
> YS asked if it was ready to be labeled a Working Draft. AZ mentioned 
> his concern about the limitation introduced in the wording of the last 
> paragraph of the Notes. CL will fix it (done).
> TF and CL talked about DocBook and SunBook and CL mentioned that it 
> would be good to have thoughts of someone like Norm Walsh.
> CL asked if we could circulate a working draft among other people. RI 
> mentioned his concern about IPR (getting feedback from someone who 
> would not be under IPR agreement). Circulating within the organization 
> of each member of the WG should be OK.
> RI to ask about how to handle feedback from non-members at the 
> appropriate W3C contact.
> - We discussed "Term Identification"
> (
> RI and CL noted that it could be useful to see more of other 
> solutions.
> YS ask if it was really need for the requirements.
> CL to look at example of term identifications mechanisms in existing 
> markups.
> - We discussed "Identifying Language/Locale"
> (
> RI mentioned that we need more research here. The GEO group identifies 
> two type of languages in a document. The term 'primary language' has 
> also a specific meaning.
> It would be helpful to read this WD "Authoring Techniques for XHTML & 
> HTML Internationalization: Specifying the language of content 1.0"
> (
> RI mentioned the example of the Chinese text book for English as an 
> example. AZ concurred and elaborated on an example of a grammar book 
> with example in different languages. He also noted that for automation 
> purposes, in general, it was important to use attribute in elements 
> rather than other mechanisms.
> RI noted that ITS can work on how things "ought to be" while GEO is 
> more trying to make use of what exists.
> CL proposed to get back to this after we all read the "Authoring 
> Techniques for XHTML & HTML Internationalization: Specifying the 
> language of content 1.0" page.
> - We discussed "CDATA Section"
> (
> TF noted that while one could use XLIFF as mentioned by CL, that maybe 
> not always the best solution.
> RI noted that using consistent methods in general is helpful (e.g. use 
> of an attribute like 'translate').
> YS mentioned that we had maybe two aspects: a) CDATA-inherent issues,
> b) putting codes in text content (often seen in CDATA, but doable 
> without it as well).
> - CL mentioned that the OLIF Consortium had recently published the 
> version 1.2 of OLIF (Open Lexicon Interchange Format). This version 
> offers features for lexical/terminological data exchange, lexicon and 
> terminology management, term extraction, controlled language, 
> information retrieval, and glossary development. We can see the 
> specification, etc. on the OLIF Web site:
> - Next teleconference is Apr-28 at 14:00 UTC.
> - RI to look for contact person with Atom.
> - YS to follow-up in trying to contact Don Day (DITA chair) to see if 
> anyone in their group could work with ITS.
> - YS to post the glossary page.
> - YS to post the wiki process page (adapted from the GEO process).
> - CL to look at example of term identifications mechanisms in existing 
> markups.
> - RI to ask to the appropriate W3C contact how to handle feedback from 
> non-WG-members.
> - All who have not done it yet: go to one of the Wiki page (e.g.
> and register as a user. Then send 
> the user name to Richard so he can add you to the security user list.
> - Volunteers: to take ownership of one or more requirement and start 
> to define it more formally.
> Cheers,
> -yves
Tim Foster - Tools Engineer, Software Globalisation http://sunweb.ireland/~timf

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2005 17:49:55 UTC