RE: MT Confidence mapping to XLIFF 2

Hi Jörg,

Thanks for the suggestion. But while the annotatorsRef should be used to specify the agent doing the annotation, I'm not sure how an ITS processor could use it to map the value from matchQuality: one could identify the tool and assume an implicit mapping, but normally ITS uses global rules to indicate that type of information.

For example:

<its:langRule selector="//p" langPointer="@mylangattribute"/>

 says to the ITS processor that the attribute mylangattribute in the <p> element is the same as xml:lang.

We would need something like:

<its:mtConfidenceRule selector="//mtc:match" mtConfidencePointer="@matchQuality"/> (and "@matchQuality" should really be some kind of XPath expression that divides the value of matchQuality by 100).

Now, this is only if we want to always have a valid ITS rule useable by ITS-only processors in XLIFF documents. So far all the mappings we have respect that.

Note also that, technically, we can't really use its:mtConfidence directly in XLIFF2 either because an extension or a module (I quote [1]): "...MUST NOT provide the same functionality as an existing XLIFF core or module feature, ..." And matchQuality is certainly providing same functionality as its:mtConfidence (even the note in section give that as an example in the note: "... a Machine Translation self-reported confidence score."



-----Original Message-----
From: Jörg Schütz [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: MT Confidence mapping to XLIFF 2

Hi Yves,

What about using the annotatorsRef/its-annotators-ref attribute for this purpose, i.e. to provide additional information as foreseen in the MT Confidence specification?

Cheers -- Jörg

On Mar 22, 2014 at 14:53 (CET), Yves Savourel wrote:
>> ...and there is no way to even declare qualityMatch as the holder for 
>> the mtConfidence value because there is no mtConfidenceRef attribute 
>> on the mtConfidenceRule element.
> Correction: I meant mtConfidencePointer not mtConfidenceRef
> -ys

Received on Saturday, 22 March 2014 19:46:51 UTC