MT Confidence mapping to XLIFF 2

Hi Felix, David, Dave, all,

I'm trying to make some progress on the ITS mapping to XLIFF v2.
And I'm looking at MT Confidence:

In the Translation Candidate module there is a matchQuality attribute defined as:

Match quality - indicates the quality of the <target> child of a <match> element based on an external benchmark or metric.

Value description: a decimal number between 0.0 and 100.0.

Default value: undefined

Used in: <match>.

Note: This attribute can carry a human review based metrics score, a Machine Translation self-reported confidence score etc.

I assume this would be the proper attribute to map mtConfidence.

But the value is define as a decimal between 0.0 and 100.0, while in ITS mtConfidence range is 0.0 to 1.0.
So can we map or not?

Technically it would be easy to state that the ITS confidence is matchQuality divided by 100, and to do the conversion back and
fore. But my understanding is that an ITS processor should also be able to map back and there is no way to even declare qualityMatch
as the holder for the mtConfidence value because there is no mtConfidenceRef attribute on the mtConfidenceRule element.

Any thoughts?


Received on Saturday, 22 March 2014 13:46:04 UTC