Re: decorator batch in bash

Well, I've got good news and bad news.

The good news is that the first three items on my things-to-do list
are done: 

> * write shell front-ends for xsltproc and saxon on Mac OS X and
>   GNU/Linux (Debian)
> * test them on the test files provided in example/
> * once that works, send them along [I have put them up in a
>   temporary location on the web and posted pointers on the wiki 
>   page at

The front-ends I wrote were originally intended to mimic the current
.bat files completely, but I found I just couldn't harbor the idea of
having separate programs for with and without an external rules file.
So I combined 'em into one (if there is a second argument, it is
taken as an external rules file), and added a --debug switch which
suppresses the deletion of the intermediate files.

Personally, I'd like to have the program give me the option of where
to put the output file, too, but I wanted to make sure that was in
line with the group's desires first.

The bad news is that, after looking at it a little more carefully,
I'm not sure how to go about testing the Decorator, in that I have
not found not a clear enough specification on what the output should
be for a given input.
For that matter, I'm not even sure what itsTve= and itsTva= mean!

> * using front-end test ITS Translate Decorator itself on 3 or 4
>   different documents in 2 or 3 different markup languages
> * post result or summary (here)

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2008 21:08:29 UTC