Minutes: GEO telecon 20031029

Present: Richard, Phil, Deborah, Andrew, Lloyd
Regrets: Martin, Tex, Russ

Info Share
-	Richard: Addison Philipps replaces Richard as WG Chair.  Richard
replaces Martin as WG staff contact, and remains Chair and Staff Contact
for GEO.
-	Andrew: Victoria State lib is talking to govt depts about need
for improving access to non-english web pages - Andrew will be involved
in this

Promotion of FAQs
We should promote the FAQs more since we now have a nice number - DC has
attended conferences where she would have expected to have heard about
Target groups such as QA and ask to point to resources
RI to find people interested in RSS feed
	BBC might be interested
Add mention of RSS feed to mail footers & in www-international posts
W3C home site - news feed - advertise library of info
	or have rotating featured content on the home page
	ask LISA to feature or point to
	educational institutes
	Ulrich Henes site
Write short article or blurb for magasines
	HCI - Interactions
ACTION: all, look for specific locations where we can advertise our
Reactivate Susan?
Andrew doing something for OCLC on language issues - can slip stuff into
AC can mail some lists with friends
ACTION: RI, Send out general note about mailing lists for notification
of FAQs

Publication of articles
[Q1] Should we limit contributions to the GEO group participants?  For
example, Kat Momoi wrote a very good article for DevEdge on IDN
-	Need editorial guidelines
-	Need control and need to review
-	Everything has to be ok
-	Encourage them to join us

[Q2] Where should articles be located? - for example, if we do include
articles of [RI]  on the mockup page, prefer to do it
as an automatically updated copy (that uses whatever style we decide on
for our articles) and continue to serve my articles on my own site too.
I don't think we should simply link to locations outside the W3C site.
-	 issues
	-	Source of info
	-	Other sites may be transitory
	-	other copy might change
-	Have copyright notice saying where first published and linking
to other site

[Q3] What level of review should be required for such articles.  I
the articles should be carefully reviewed by the group, just like FAQs
or guidelines, so that we can claim that they are authoritative.  We
should not simply include stuff that people have written that 'contains
some useful bits'.
-	Agreement

[Q4] Should this be open to submissions from other parts of the i18n WG
(eg. Core or WS), rather than just GEO contributors.  My feeling is that
yes it should be.  Do we want to review that before publication though?
-	Agreement
-	We should ensure a user-friendly GEO tone is applied

Reviewed Richard's for publication tomorrow and Phil's for next week

Server-side stuff
General feeling that we should generate more info about how things work
on the server 
Encouraged DC to write questions to www-international
Encourage group to generate info/FAQs etc on server side stuff

ACTION: RI, Send out general note about mailing lists for notification
of FAQs

ACTION: all, look for specific locations where we can advertise our

ACTION: Tex, look at Google's cache to see how that works vis a vis

ACTION: RI, develop a style guide for FAQs and augment stylesheet (esp.
use nowrap for keywords)

Action: ac, write to public evangelist list about default charset
declaration in Apache

ACTION: Lloyd, write up some code samples relating to date formats and
link to them from the Q&A page at a later date

All: send in pointers to existing guidelines 

		Send to group	Publish

Richard		26 oct		30 oct		tbd
Phil		26 oct		6 nov		setting encoding in
Deborah/Tex	3 nov		13 nov		utf-8 signature

Richard Ishida

contact info: http://www.w3.org/People/Ishida/ 


W3C Internationalization FAQs
RSS feed: http://www.w3.org/International/questions.rss

Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2003 06:56:57 UTC