control codes

The XML spec allows for Unicode characters from space (20) and above and #x9 |
#xA | #xD. Various existing applications make use of "characters" below 20 for
various reasons. Since they are not allowed in XML, what is the recommended
way to represent them?

Note the applications that use these chars want to efficiently write them out
and read them in, and want to exchange the data with other apps easily.
Escaping them as &#xhhhh; is not an option, nor is cdata, as they both
reference the production rules for char.

Do they have to define some markup to represent them?

Scanning data to catch these codes and map them to something else will be

perhaps a candidate for q&A note.

Tex Texin   cell: +1 781 789 1898
Xen Master                
Making e-Business Work Around the World

Received on Sunday, 25 May 2003 12:57:48 UTC