RE: A "Sensible Defaults" Approach to an ELReq Recommendation

Selam Daniel,

This sound a great solution to break the stalemate on this project.
Let me know how I can help.


Elias Wondimu
Publisher & Editorial Director

Tsehai Publishers
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Imprints: Marymount Institute Press and African Academic Press
From: Daniel Yacob []
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2018 9:15 PM
Subject: A "Sensible Defaults" Approach to an ELReq Recommendation

Greetings All,

I've been thinking about ways forward for the ELReq document and have a thought to share.  The initial approach was to identified areas to be addressed, then arrive at a recommendation from stakeholder feedback.

Finding and engaging willing industry stakeholders to acquire feedback then became an unexpected obstacle. I still subscribe to this approach but appreciate now that it will take significant time to get through.  Until then, I propose that we review the questions raised for each topic in the ELReq document and determine the most "sensible defaults" to form the basis of a recommendation.

>From there, test cases can be developed to help developers implement the recommendations.  Thoughts?



Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 07:43:35 UTC