agenda+ Pending issues against the Web App Translations proposal of the Web App Manifest spec

We have 3 pending issues against the Web App Translations proposal of 
the Web App Manifest (WAM) spec, and we should send them out:


MiniApp Manifest (MAM) is moving to CR, and the MiniApps WG plans to 
reuse WAM's i18n solution according to the feedback from the TAG review. 
However, WAM's i18n solution has not progressed (partly because we 
didn't raise those review issues, and partly because they don't consider 
it high priority IIUC), so I hope we send our pending issues out and see 
whether the WAM folks can solve it in a reasonable timeframe. If WAM 
still don't have any progress in a few months, I guess MAM may need to 
come up with its own i18n solution.



Received on Thursday, 6 April 2023 09:42:33 UTC