Re: [widgets PC] i18n comment 21: i18n string

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Richard Ishida <> wrote:
> Comment from the i18n review of:
> Comment 21
> At
> Editorial/substantive: E
> Tracked by: AP
> Location in reviewed document:
> General
> Comment:
> Language tags are presented as lowercase. While case has no meaning in language tags, they are typically canonicalized (and are recommended to use) the case conventions in BCP 47. See

That is no problem for when language tags appear in xml:lang, as they
are cononicalized to lower-case. However, following BCP 47 would cause
issues with matching folders, as they are treated as case sensitive.

In the "Folder-based localization" section, I've added the following
to the authoring guidelines:

"Because folders inside a widget package are treated by the user agent
as case sensitive, the names of the folders inside a locale folder
need to be in lower-case. Unfortunately, this violates the case
conventions recommended in BCP 47. "

In the "The xml:lang Attribute" section of the spec, I've added the
following to the authoring guidelines:

"Please note that, while case has no meaning in language tags, it is
recommend that with xml:lang authors use the case conventions
recommended in BCP 47."

Marcos Caceres
Opera Software ASA,

Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 14:08:58 UTC