Re: Unicode Normalization thread should slow down; summary needed

> Pardon my ignorance too, but this is complete news to me. As far as I
> can tell the discussion was not "revolved around" input methods at
> all. IME was part of the discussion, but in no way was the focus.

What was the focus?

It seemed to me that the way the non-matching strings originate is the  
crux of finding if there is an actual problem to which normalization  
is a solution. Obviously, Unicode makes it possible to construct  
canonically equivalent but codepoint-wise different strings, but  
surely it matters if these differences actually arise in ways that  
cause notable problems for Web authors who'd like to mint identifiers  
in their own language.

> For short strings (whether in Chinese or accented Latin like French or
> German) I often retype them instead of doing a copy-and-paste. After
> all, if you can see what it is (and this happens ONLY when the
> characters are NOT foreign to you) and you can retype it easily, why
> go to the trouble of moving the mouse and copy and paste (which,
> oftentimes, take more time than retyping)?

Right, but do you open the Character Palette and construct French and  
German accented characters from combining characters in preference to  
any of:
  1) Typing by pressing a key for precomposed character
  2) Typing with dead keys
  3) Copying and pasting
  4) Picking the precomposed character from the palette

Henri Sivonen

Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2009 08:45:00 UTC