Re: [CSS21][css3-namespace][css3-page][css3-selectors][css3-content] Unicode Normalization

Andrew Cunningham wrote:
> Until UTN 11 v 3 is published i wouldn't normalise text in the Myanmar
> script.
> In a number of African languages it is useful to work with NFD data, esp
> if you also want to comply with certain AAA checkpoints in WCAG 2.0.

Andrew, forgive my ignorance, but does this mean that normalizing 
everything in the UA at parse-time (and normalizing the content of form 
fields that the user types in at typing time, of course) is not in fact 
a viable option?

> A text editor that doesn't normalise to NFC isn't broken. An ideal text
> editor gives teh user the choice on what normalisation form to use.

This in particular worries me, in light of the form input issue.


Received on Monday, 2 February 2009 14:43:02 UTC