RE: [correction] Response to WebCGM 2.1 Last Call comment: i18n comment 6: Unicode

Thank you.  The i18n WG is satisfied by this response.


Richard Ishida
Internationalization Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thierry Michel []
> Sent: 22 December 2008 07:44
> To: Richard Ishida;;
> Subject: [correction] Response to WebCGM 2.1 Last Call comment: i18n
> comment 6: Unicode
> Dear Richard,
> The WebCGM Working Group has reviewed the comment you sent [1] about
> the
> WebCGM 2.1 Last Call Working Draft [2] published on 02 October 2008.
> Thank you for having taken the time to review the document and send us
> comments.
> The Working Group's response resolution to your comment is included
> below.
> Please review it carefully and acknowledge this WebCGM WG response by
> replying to this mail and copying the WebCGM public mailing list
> <>. Let us know if you agree with it or not before
> 11 Jan 2009.  If we receive no reply from you by January 11, then we
> will default your reply to "WebCGM WG response accepted."
> In case of disagreement, you are requested to provide a specific
> solution for or a path to a consensus with the Working Group.
> If such a consensus cannot be achieved, you will be given the
> opportunity to raise a formal objection which will then be reviewed by
> the Director during the transition of this document to the next stage in
> the W3C Recommendation Track.
> Best regards,
> On behalf of the WebCGM Working Group,
> Thierry Michel, WebCGM WG Team Contact.
> [1]
> [2]
> _____________________________________________________________
> * Comment Sent: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 10:29:23 +0000
> * Archived:
> The WebCGM WG has the following responses to your comment:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> SUMMARY of your comment:
> Comment from the i18n review of:
> Config.html#ACI-fontmap
> Comment 6
> At
> Editorial/substantive: S
> Tracked by: RI
> Location in reviewed document:
> [
> Config.html#ACI-maplist]
> Comment:
> Normalization for string comparison should include conversion to a
> Unicode normalization form, to eliminate issues related to precomposed
> vs. decomposed characters and issues related to ordering of multiple
> combining characters.
> RESPONSE to your comment:
> WebCGM agrees that this is the consistent and reliable way to perform
> such comparisons. Text to this effect will be added to the description
> of the 'cgmFont' value -- conversion to unicode normalization form
> should precede the comparison and follow the other WebCGM-specific
> normalization.
> In 9.3.2, add a new sentence to the end of the description of 'cgmFont':
> "After this WebCGM-specific normalization, correct and consistent
> results when comparing metafile font names with the 'cgmFont' value —
> for font names outside of WebCGM's restricted core set of thirteen
> specific fonts (see T.16.13 of @@section 6.5@@) — may require that
> WebCGM processors convert to a @@unicode normalization form@@
> before
> performing the string comparison." Also add to WebCGM Chapter 1 the
> references for both the Unicode Standard Annex #15 [1] and the W3C
> Character Model, Part 2 (Normalization) [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> Incorporating all proposed changes, the paragraph of 'cgmFont'
> description becomes:
> "The name of the font in the metafile for which font substitution is
> requested. Before attempting to match a font used in the metafile to the
> value (string) of cgmFont, both font names are normalized by a
> WebCGM-specific normalization: convert to lower-case; and strip out all
> whitespace, UNDERSCORE, and HYPHEN characters. Note: These
> normalization
> rules are derived from and intended for the substantial volume of
> existing metafiles that aim to invoke fonts from WebCGM's restricted
> core set of thirteen specific fonts (see T.16.13 of @@section 6.5@@) and
> that contain well-known and trivial deviations in the construction of
> those font names. The rules may be less useful outside of that intended
> scope. The target metafiles of these normalizations are most often, but
> not always, encoded in WebCGM's default character encoding of ISO
> 8859-1. After this WebCGM-specific normalization, correct and consistent
> results when comparing metafile font names to the 'cgmFont' value — for
> font names outside of WebCGM's restricted core set of thirteen specific
> fonts — may require that WebCGM processors convert to a @@unicode
> normalization form@@ before performing the comparison."
> [Ed note: @@section 6.5@@ denotes text "section 6.5" that links to
> "WebCGM21-Profile.html#webcgm_4_5", which in the LCWD version is:
> Profile.html#webcgm_4_5;
> @@unicode normalization form@@ denotes text "unicode normalization
> form"
> that links to:
> ]
> --------------------------- end -------------------------------

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2009 22:48:17 UTC