Re: ISSUE-23 (Key Indentifier Case): Should Key Identifiers prioritize uppercase characters [DOM3 Events]

Cameron McCormack wrote:

>> So are you using a positional approach using the virtual keys or scan  
>> codes of the physical keyboard, or are you interpreting the keystroke at  
>> a higher level so that key interpretation is mnemonic, i.e. does it  
>> matter which key is typed? or is it the q-key independent of the  
>> physical position of the q|Q key on the keyboard?
> Not a positional approach, since we don’t want to go down the road of
> physical keyboard layouts, but yes the key with identifier "Q" would be
> the one that generates "q" characters (or "Q" when shift is held, or
> something completely different if an IME is in use).  I believe that is
> the intention, anyway.
It sounds confused to me, as far as i can tell you're trying to use 
positional keyboard concepts in a mnemonic way.

A q|Q on a QWERTY keyboard will have different scan codes and virtual 
key codes that the q|Q key on an AZERTY keyboard.

so if you want a q|Q key on a US keyboard or a French keyboard to do the 
same thing on a web app, you're talking about a higher level 
interpretation of what a keyboard is doing. I.e. you're looking at 
output rather than at physical keys.

unless i'm misunderstanding what you're trying to do.

if you want input locale independent nomenclature for the keys, then 
maybe use ISO-9995 based terminology, but that's all positional. So are 
most virtual key naming conventions I've come across.

> Do you mind if I forward this exchange back to public-webapps and
> public-i18n-core?
yes, feel free. I'm on the public-i18n-core list.


Andrew Cunningham
Vicnet Research and Development Coordinator
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Received on Monday, 30 June 2008 04:19:49 UTC