from April to June 2014 by subject

[css-ruby] About Ruby anonymous box creation.

[css-ruby] jukugo ruby and interleaved bases

[css3-ruby] Small inconsistencies between the CSS document and the ruby HTML draft...

[HTML5 Ruby] 2+ ruby annotation containers at commiting a ruby segment.

[HTML5 Ruby] <Segmentation & Categorization> Step 13 really necessary?

[HTML5 Ruby] Should we disallow <rp> appeared between <rt>?

[HTML5 Ruby] Tag omission rules for rt and rtc (was A typo and a question for Tag omission rules

[i18N-ISSUE-255] CJK Compatibility ideographs

[I18N-ISSUE-256] Use of head and end inconsistent [klreq]

[I18N-ISSUE-257] Questions about groups

[Your Title about CJK on the Web]

Your Title about CJK on the Web

Last message date: Wednesday, 4 June 2014 15:15:20 UTC