Re: [css-ruby] jukugo ruby and interleaved bases

Dear fantasai,

I changed my mind since I posted that message several months ago.

Yes, indeed, I wanted "a(A)b(B)c(C)" to be rendered as Jukugo Ruby if
possible, as when EPUB3 is published two years ago, that was the only
official way for assigining ruby texts to multiple ruby bases.

However, since then, I thought it would be quite difficult for
interleaved ruby bases to form one big base container, and
considering the possibility that EPUB content model would immediately
incorporate the HTML5 PR when it is published, I changed my mind that
it would'nt be dare necessary....

With best regards,

On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 4:19 AM, fantasai <>wrote:

> On 01/10/2014 07:36 PM, Taichi KAWABATA wrote:
>> fantasai wrote:
>>> On 01/09/2014 08:15 AM, Taichi KAWABATA wrote:
>>>> Actually, in HTML5 ruby, ruby-base-container may be split by ruby texts
>>>> (e.g. <ruby>A<rt>a</rt>B</rt>b</ruby>)
>>> In the current CSS ruby model, this creates two ruby-base-containers,
>>> and two ruby-text-containers, each containing one ruby base/text box.
>>> To put two ruby bases in a single ruby-base-container, you must place
>>> them side by side:
>>>    <ruby><rb>A<rb>B<rt>a<rt>b</ruby>
>> I see. So, in case of Jukugo Ruby interleaved by <rt>/<rb> cases, as
>> shown in "Use Case" #4.2
>> (, Ruby-Text in one Ruby
>> Segment may overlap with the adjcent Ruby Segment?
> I'm not sure what you're asking. In the case you're pointing at,
> in the current CSS spec that would generate effectively three
> ruby segments. They do not overlap.
> ---
> It is my understanding that when ruby pairs are allowed to merge
> in a jukugo rendering, the correct inline rendering is to place
> them together
>   abc(ABC)
> and not to inline them as
>   a(A)b(B)c(C)
> If it's the case that we prefer inlining as
>   a(A)b(B)c(C)
> but *also* allowing that same word as jukugo rendering, then please
> tell me so that I can try to make that work.

川幡 太一 (KAWABATA, Taichi) E-mail:

Received on Monday, 12 May 2014 09:49:48 UTC