Re: [jlreq] todo: Update Ruby terminology wiki and solicit feedback from clreq (#385)

> Murata: related to the topic do we need a term for “rb/rb/rt/rt”and “rb/rt/rb/rt” ? I do not know if they are differ in the resulting layout. todo: need to clarify.

Although semantically both approaches can be used for the same thing, @fantasai's email mentions some useful points about the implications for handling ruby of both types.  I'll repeat those points here to perhaps save @fantasai some time, hoping that i don't misconstrue anything.

> When you use the (rb, rt)+ pattern:
> * the fallback behavior is not good (per-syllable fallback, rather than per-word)
> * naive screenreading is terrible (per-syllable repetition, rather than per-word)
> * intentional inline rendering of ruby would require new complicated capabilities in CSS to render it as per-word. (Technically it can be done as a new feature that moves text inside a SPAN or something like that, but... proper inline rendering can be done right now with `display: inline` when the (rb, rt)+ pattern is used.)

As for naming the two approaches, here's the comment i left in the wiki:

I had to come up with terms to describe these two approaches many years back, and settled on Interleaved Ruby and Tabular Ruby - see where i used these terms back in 2016, and described the differences. In i explain the rationale for using 'tabular' (see just below the grey box). I'd like to recommend that we continue using 'tabular ruby' so that i don't have to find and rewrite all the existing material referring to this, and so that we don't multiply the number of terms referring to the same thing.

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