Re: [jlreq] todo: Update Ruby terminology wiki and solicit feedback from clreq (#385)

> For para-ruby and sou-ruby, JLReq TF folks thinks they can be used as-is.

The term 'para-ruby' was always a problem for me because it's not at all obvious what it refers to. It was necessary to define it before using it anywhere. Introducing 'sou-ruby' alongside that seems to be doubling the problem. 

In addition, these are Japanese terms, and chinese people should be able to use less japanese-sounding terms. Same, of course, goes for Korean and Mongolian.

The clreq folks are already using the term 'inline annotations' rather than 'ruby', which increases the number of terms referring to the same thing. Same, of course, goes for Korean and Mongolian. 

Fully-annotated & partially-annotated ruby markup are a little long, but they are terms that clearly describe what is being referred to, so i like that.

Initially, i thought that @fantasai 's suggestion of fully-annotated text sounded interesting, but actually i don't think it's specific enough.  There are other types of text annotation, such as wakiten, and i expect it will be useful to have the more specific 'fully-annotated ruby markup'.  (Fully-rubified text might work if it sounded less naf and more like real English...)

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