Re: [jlreq] 3.2.6 d: Discussions regarding the amount of inter-character spacing between Kanji and alpha numeric characters (#163)

> Recently a car magazine designer asked me to add a default of 0 spacing between Latin and J, because his preference was to compose the text tightly and leave no gap when including English words or "BMW" etc in the text, set proportionally. So, there is a desire from some users nowadays to diverge from the JISx4051 behavior of adding for example 1/4 em spacing as was done for books and monospaced Japanese. 

This issue is a discussion of value(s) of extra spacing to be used when `ideograph-*` is specified to `text-spacing` property. Also whether to add extra spacing between targets or not (so, no extra spacing) are controllable by having these values or not. For use as points of justification or not should be different discussion, I believe.

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Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 00:53:45 UTC