Re: JavaScript Hydra middleware library

Hi all,

there is a new version 1.0.0 [1]. The new version uses SimpleRDF [2] and
has a README :-) Building Hydra classes should be much more intuitive.
Just attach the HTTP method lower case as method to the SimpleRDF class
or property. There is very simple light switch example in ES5 and ES6.
The hydra-fetch [3] client attaches methods and properties in the same
way. That means you can use the same code on the server and client for
Hydra classes. I used it with some simple IoT stuff, so maybe some
features are missing. Feedback is very welcome!



Am 15.06.2015 um 22:06 schrieb Markus Lanthaler:
> On 9 Jun 2015 at 22:39, bergi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> after some API changes the hydra-middleware library [1] seems ready
>> for other people to play with. Again I used the issue tracker
>> api-demo as example. It's only a subset of the PHP demo without
>> comments, but users and issues can be created. Basis authentication
>> is also used to assign issues to a specific user. I promise some
>> documentation, but the code changed to much in the last days, so it
>> wasn't useful to create any documentation at this point.
> Cool! Could you please explain in just a few sentences what it does,
> what it doesn't yet and what you still plan to implement? Also, is it
> ready to be featured on Adding a small README before
> doing that would be great :-)
> Keep us posted!

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 22:17:52 UTC