Re: JavaScript Hydra client group

Hi all,

Am 18.06.2016 um 20:16 schrieb Ruben Verborgh:
>> - Where should the development happen? Do we want to get a repository
>>  under the HydraCG organization on GitHub?
> For _the_ Hydra client, it should be HydraCG for me.


>> - How should we structure the group? Should assign different roles
>>  to people?
> Different roles seem good, yes.


>> - Should there be 1-2 persons that are responsible to lead the group
>>  and drive the effort? Who should that be?
> Yes. I'm volunteering (but not yet sure about agenda).

I can help, but it's very important for me that we support different
formats via the RDFJS spec. And it should be modular (support of high
level libraries like SimplRDF). If it's tied to much to JSON-LD I will
continue my work on hydra-fetch.

>> - What will be our primary communication medium? How do we ensure it
>>  is properly archived?
> GitHub issues. Calls. Occasional e-mails.


Gitter could be also useful, but issues and comments should be create
for summaries of discussions.

>> - How do we make decisions as a group?
> Some people have to drive the decision process,
> depending on the amount of effort they put in.
> Contributions by anyone are welcome.


Depending on the number of people that contribute, we could say x +1 are
required to merge a PR.

>> - How do we plan the development? How do we track progress?
> Feature-based planning with milestones.
> Tracking through GitHub issues and milestones.


>> - How and how often do we report back to the Hydra W3C Community Group
>>  in case most of our communication/collaborations happens off the Hydra
>>  mailing list?
> At every milestone.



Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 22:05:34 UTC