The survey results are in and they look great

Hi folks

And thanks to everyone who completed the survey. We had 33 responses in
total out of which 31 are "willing to contribute to the development of a
Hydra client". That's a pretty encouraging result. Below are the results for
the other questions.

-- What programming languages would be of interest to you? --

JavaScript 26
Java 15
C# 7
Python 7
PHP 5 
Ruby 5
Go 4
... all other langs had 2 or less votes

-- If you would have to choose one language, which would it be? --

JavaScript 14
Java 6
C# 3
Python 4
Ruby 2
Go 1

-- Would you be willing and able to attend regular telephone conferences? --

Yes 22 
No 11

-- How many weeks should the telephone conferences be apart? --

1 week: 2
2 weeks: 17
3 weeks: 2
4 weeks: 6
5 weeks: 1
On demand: 5

Since there's such a big difference between the number of people that would
be willing and able to attend regular telecons and answers in this question,
I also got the results for only the people that would actually be
willing/able to attend the telecons:

1 week: 1
2 weeks: 13
3 weeks: 2
4 weeks: 4
5 weeks: 1
On demand: 1

So, with this data, my proposal would be to form groups around the various
programming languages and shared interests. We can host them directly under
the HydraCG organization on GitHub or elsewhere. How the groups them
organize themselves is pretty much up to them but in my experience it makes
sense to have someone "drive" and organize the effort.
Does anyone object to me sending out a mail per programming language
including each person's name voting for that language? That thread can then
be used by the group to bootstrap itself.

I would also like to brainstorm as one big group the basic functionality
that we want to have consistently across the various implementations. I'll
send out a first proposal on the weekend unless someone beats me to it.

Last but not least, we should decide whether we want to start having
telecons right ahead (they usually don't work very well during summer as
people are on vacation etc.) or want to postpone them till autumn. I
personally lean towards the latter.

Again, thanks everyone for participating in the survey


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2016 21:39:30 UTC