RE: request for verification: paging in TPF

On 3 Nov 2015 at 21:37, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> Hi Dietrich,
>>>> Why not simply "the next link SHOULD NOT point to an empty fragment"?
>> Is there a reason why the 'next' link would not simply be unavailable
when there are no
> more data, i.e. it would not be present at all?
> Yes, that's actually what we wanted to say.
> but perhaps this is not clear enough.

It's taken a bit out of context here.

>> The sentence above may be read as "the next link should not point to an
empty fragment,
> but must point to some other item", leaving open which item that would be.
> Agree. What do you think about the text that is currently in the spec?
> - If a previous page directly precedes the page, this page must link to it
> hydra:previous. The previous page should not be empty.
> - If a next page directly follows the page, this page must link to it
using hydra:next. The
> next page should not be empty.
> =>

I find this clear but a bit clumsy. What about something along the lines of

   If there exists a page following the current page, it MUST be referenced
from the
   current page using hydra:next. A page referenced by hydra:next SHOULD NOT
   be empty.

Still needs some wordsmithing but I think the gist is clear. Should we
really talk about pages here? What about talking about fragments, partial
fragments, fragment views or something similar instead?

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Thursday, 5 November 2015 21:50:20 UTC