Re: request for verification: paging in TPF

>> spec
>>   (already started; harder than I thought because of the allowed
> flexibility)
> Cool. What kind of flexibility are you referring to here? Do you think it's
> required flexibility or could it be reduced without loosing much?

Hypermedia controls, so I don't really want to compromise there :-)
Concretely, the tester needs to find the TPF hypermedia control
and check whether it conforms to all requirements.
However, there might be several controls in the response,
some might wel look like the TPF hypermedia control, etc.

Usually, one can implement tests like:
look for _this_, then check that and that.
But since the controls can have various shapes,
the _this_ can be hard to recognize
without performing the checks first.

Nothing that cannot be solved,
but it makes the tests harder than just a checklist.



Received on Thursday, 5 November 2015 21:55:14 UTC