Re: request for verification: paging in TPF

> I find this clear but a bit clumsy.

I agree about clumsy.
It's hard to strike a balance between clarity and exactness.

For instance, do we need "_directly_ following" or not?
For sure, everybody assumes this implicitly,
but technically, page 4 also follows page 1, just not directly.

I like the advice by Manu Sporny in hist post about the JSON-LD spec [1],
but I've not been able to obtain it yet in the current document.

> What about something along the lines of
> this
>   If there exists a page following the current page, it MUST be referenced
> from the
>   current page using hydra:next. A page referenced by hydra:next SHOULD NOT
>   be empty.
> Still needs some wordsmithing but I think the gist is clear.

Maybe we can still do simpler, more instructive. Just trying:

    The page MUST link to the next page using hydra:next,
    unless the next page would be empty (then it SHOULD NOT be linked).

I think that goes into the right direction. Correct, concise, clear.

> Should we
> really talk about pages here? What about talking about fragments, partial
> fragments, fragment views or something similar instead?

I think pages is the simplest. They are really pages for me.




Received on Thursday, 5 November 2015 22:07:44 UTC